Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Advocacy to Legislatures

July 2017 | Oklahoma Food Banks
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Legislative Updates:
As the U.S. House of Representatives continues its Budget negotiations, massive cuts to SNAP and other critical programs are making their way through the legislative process. Recently, 20 moderate Republicans sent a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan objecting to large cuts, but the House Budget Committee passed a bill with deep cutsa short time later. Anti-hunger advocates like you must continue pressuring House Members to ensure they do not pass a budget that cuts SNAP or other programs critical to the people we serve. Read our Action Alert calling on Oklahoma's Members of Congress to oppose cuts in key programs like SNAP.

Watch and share this video about SNAP in Tulsa to learn more and spread awareness about this vital program.

August recess is almost here! Every August, Members of Congress come back to their home states and typically spend the month traveling around their district, meeting with constituents, and hearing directly from the communities they represent about the issues they care about most. August is the best time of year to let your Member of Congress know what you care about. Some options for engagement with your Senator or Representative include: attending an event, calling their office, posting on social media, or sending a letter to your local newspaper. To find events near you, check your Member of Congress’ social media pages or website, or call their local office.  
Take Action: 
Tell Oklahoma’s Members of Congress to support programs that enable the Oklahoma Food Banks to provide food to communities across the state and help families make ends meet.
  1. Dial (888) 398-8702 and listen to the pre-recorded message.
  2. Choose to be connected to either your Senator or your House Member, then enter your zip code.
  3. Deliver this message:
    • “Hi, I’m your constituent calling from [City, State] and I’m urging you to stand up for Oklahoma families in need by fighting against cuts or harmful changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) are critical in the fight against hunger and help ensure hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans don’t struggle to find enough to eat. Help make sure that none of your constituents have to question where their next meal will come from. Thank you.”
Did You Know? Oklahoma ranks 51st in the nation for children receiving lunches during summer. (Source: Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report, Food Research and Action Center, June 2017)

Working together to end hunger in Oklahoma,

Effie Craven, MPH, MPA
State Advocacy and Public Policy Director
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma | Oklahoma City
Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma | Tulsa
405-600-3129 |
Oklahoma DHS Budget Cuts Lead to Reduced Foster Payouts, Senior Meals
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Advocacy in Action is your monthly briefing on Oklahoma food security-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by either the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma or
the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma.

Copyright © 2017 Oklahoma Food Banks, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Why Summer Feeding Programs

Feeding America
Feeding America
Dear Friend,

This is how a young girl named Angelina describes being hungry:

"It was hard, it was stressful and sad, but I tried not to show any emotion in front of my mom. I would act like I wasn't hungry, or I'd just wait until I would get to school because they would give me breakfast."

During the summer, there's no school breakfast for kids like Angelina. There's no escape – just that gnawing, quiet hunger.
Smiling girl with jam jars
We urgently need to change all that. Demand on the Feeding America network is high during the summer when kids don't have school. We need to raise $50,000 by July 31 – and for that, we need your help.

Give now and your gift can go three times as far – thanks to a generous matching challenge from BoxLunch, your gift helping hungry children and families can TRIPLE in impact through the Feeding America network of food banks. 

Angelina is just a kid. She shouldn't have to worry about protecting her mom or cobbling together her next meal.

Kids like Angelina deserve a childhood innocent of grown-up worries. Being hungry deprives them of that chance.

If you've ever seen a kid jump and play on a playground, building vast imaginary worlds and bursting with the joy of being outside, you know that a child's innocence – their belief in a life full of possibilities – is worth protecting.

Even more, these little people have bodies and minds worth feeding – so they can grow up strong and healthy.

Through the Feeding America network, we can help get kids the veggies, fruit, dairy, bread, and other essentials that they need during the summer. But the number of children who need food is staggering.

You can make a huge impact right here, right now. Donate to Feeding America now and your gift can triple in impact. 

Thank you for believing in the power of children, and working to make their days brighter.

Elizabeth Nielsen signatureElizabeth Nielsen
Senior Vice President
Feeding America