Thursday, November 7, 2013

11/7/2013 LAST DAY OF FOOD DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4,990 + 29 = 5,019 cans and money 

$963 + Update 11/11/2013: $37 = $1000!!!!!


Upper Division

 High School Total: 1,403

Seniors get an extra out to lunch
 Thursday donations 
Seniors: 563 cans and money + 8 = 571+26 = 597 
Special thanks to Veronica Pastel and Robert Egelston
Freshmen: 243 cans and money + 97 = 340 +20+ $68 +$30 = 458

Sophomores: $60 + 35 = 94 + 175 + 35 = 304

Juniors: 22 cans +22 = 44 + 0 = 44

                                                         Thursday: 324     Overall: 1,403 

Middle Division


Middle Division
Congratulations MD, Casady Cans Do Food Drive Winners
Overall Total for the MD: 2,526 cans

Kelly:  264:...Weekly Total: 876  
                                 Woolsey: 318..Weekly Total: 647                              

      Martin: 329...Weekly Total:  634 
  Taber:  215....Weekly Total: 369

                   Thursday 1126       Overall: 2,526 cans

Lower Division
Lower Division Total: 742 cans and money

Lower Division Totals for the Food Drive

First Grade:  12
Second Grade: 20 + $2= 22
Third Grade: 24
Fourth Grade: 20

First Grade:  12 + 7 = 17
Second Grade: 20 + $2= 22 + 21= 43
Third Grade: 24+ 15 = 39
Fourth Grade: 20 + 15 = 35

First Grade:  12 + 7 = 17+ 22+ $5 = 27
Second Grade: 20 + $2= 22 + 21= 43 + 74= 117
Third Grade: 24+ 15 = 39+ 40=79
Fourth Grade: 20 + 15 = 35+ 12=47

First Grade:  12 + 7 = 17+ 22+ $5 = 27 +81= 108
Second Grade: 20 + $2= 22 + 21= 43 + 74= 117 +12=129
Third Grade: 24+ 15 = 39+ 40=79+32=111
Fourth Grade: 20 + 15 = 35+ 12=47+120= 167
First Grade:  12 + 7 = 17+ 22+ $5 = 27 +81= 108 + 26=134
Second Grade: 20 + $2= 22 + 21= 43 + 74= 117 +12=129+20 = 149
Third Grade: 24+ 15 = 39+ 40=79+32=111+53= 164
Fourth Grade: 20 + 15 = 35+ 12=47+120= 167+128 = 295

742 cans and money  (includes $7)

Primary Division Overall 349 cans and money (includes $41)
Thursday Totals
130 Cans and $ 11

Four Days Total : 2280 cans and $ 884=3164 cans and money

Good luck to students going to SPC--


Morning shift: 9-12
Afternoon shift: 1-4
Wear closed-toe shoes and pre-register online at  Volunteers as young as 8 years old, accompanied by adult welcome.  

1 can = 1 pound of food

$1 = 6.5 pounds of food at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

1 in 4 children will go to bed hungry in Oklahoma

You can make online gifts at Every dollar donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma will provide five meals to our hungry Oklahoma neighbors. At the Food Bank's online virtual food drive, you can "shop" for food and actually "check out" like you are at a grocery store. When you check out,  remember to write Casady School on the form so the gift is counted towards our food and fund drive goal. The School that collects the most pounds of food per student will receive the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Students Against Hunger Traveling Trophy (and bragging rights for a full year)!

Help us CAN HUNGER.  Hope to see you at the Food Bank Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!

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